Departmental Profile 


  1. Name of the Department: DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY
  1. Year of Establishment :
  1. General Level:                                      June 1960
  2. Special Level:                                       June 1972
  3. PG Course:                                            June 1994
  1. Mission, Aim, and Objectives of the Department


    The mission of Department:

Provide relevant, up-to-date, and career-oriented education in History.

Aim and Objectives of Department


  • To enable the students to perceive the concepts like time, place and society.
  • To create opportunities for people for acquiring rational knowledge of History.
  • To develop the critical outlook towards History.
  • To make responsible human resource who can contribute to nation integrity


  • To provide reliable knowledge about History.
  • To promote awareness about historical aspects as a responsible citizen.
  • To make aware of the emerging trends in History.
  • To introduce the learners for research dimensions in History.
  • To enable for studying the contemporary issues on the basis of historical ground.
  • To study the social, political and economic influence on human development.
  1. Detail of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M. Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., Short term courses, Career oriented courses, etc. (Current academic year)
Sr. No. Programme level Name of the programme/ Course Duration Entry qualification Medium of Instruction Sanctioned/ Approved student strength
1 UG BA 3 Year 12th Pass Marathi 60
2 PG MA 2 Year BA in History Marathi 60
3 Short Term Course Certificate Course in Travel &Tourism 3 Months 12th Pass Marathi 40
  1. Annual/ semester/choice based credit system/elective course pattern (programme wise)
Programme Pattern Year of Implementation
UG Annual 2019-20
PG Credit System 2019-20
Short Term Course Credit System 2019-20


  1. Number of Teaching positions in the department
Designation Sanctioned Filled
Professors 2 1
Associate  Professors 1
Asst. Professors 1 (CHB)

7.Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,)


Sr. No.


Name of faculty



Year of appointment





Number of years of teaching experience (Year and months)

1 Dr. S.P. Khilari M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D 1989 Head & Associate


History 32 4
2 Mr. R.P. Pardhi M.A.,M.Phil. SET 2018 Assistant


History 01 6
3 Smt. S.R. Lagad M.A., B.Ed. SET 2006 Assistant


History 13 0
  1. List of senior visiting faculty:
Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Specialization Address
Smt. S.R. Lagad Assistant


M.A., B.Ed. History R.B.N.B.College ,Shrirampur.( Staff  Quarters)

9.List of eminent academicians and scientists / visitors to the department:

  • Giramkar K.L. – K.J.Somayya College ,Kopargoan.
  • Mokate Nathabau – New Arts ,Com. College, Ghodegoan.
  • Gaikwad Dipak  – HOD,Department of History . S.P.Pune Uni. Pune.
  • Sonawane Digambar –  Arts,Com & Sci.College , Sonai.
  • Rajdev B.T. – S.M.B.S.T.College , Sangamner.
  • Bhamre.K.H.-K.H.M.T.College Nashik.
  • Dr. Bhujang Bobabde :- Director Heritage Foundation Jalgoan 


10.Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled :- Nil

11.Student profile programme/course wise:


Sr. No.



Name of the Course/programme (refer question no. 4)



Applications received Enrolled


Total number of Students
*M *F
1 2017-2018 F.Y.B.A. 422 229 193 422
S.Y.B.A.(S-1) 35 26 09 35
S.Y.B.A.(S-2) 35 26 09 35
S.Y.B.A.(G-2) 172 95 77 172
T.Y.B.A.(S-3) 26 21 05 26
T.Y.B.A.(S-4) 26 21 05 26
T.Y.B.A.(G-3) 120 52 68 120
M.A.I 20 16 04 20
M.A.II 17 12 05 17



2018-19 F.Y.B.A. 387 218 169 387
S.Y.B.A.(S-1) 29 24 05 29
S.Y.B.A.(S-2) 29 24 05 29
S.Y.B.A.(G-2) 155 92 63 155
T.Y.B.A.(S-3) 20 18 02 20
T.Y.B.A.(S-4) 20 18 02 20
T.Y.B.A.(G-3) 105 62 43 105
M.A.I 29 15 14 29
M.A.II 13 09 04 13
3 2019-20 F.Y.B.A. 390 205 185 390
S.Y.B.A.(S-1) 34 29 05 34
S.Y.B.A.(S-2) 34 29 05 34
S.Y.B.A.(G-2) 150 83 67 150
T.Y.B.A.(S-3) 19 17 02 19
T.Y.B.A.(S-4) 19 17 02 19
T.Y.B.A.(G-3) 112 60 52 112
M.A.I 19 15 4 19
M.A.II 17 10 7 17
4 2020-21 F.Y.B.A. 263 150 113 263
S.Y.B.A.(S-1) 28 20 8 28
S.Y.B.A.(S-2) 28 20 8 28
S.Y.B.A.(G-2) 28 20 8 28
T.Y.B.A.(S-3) 32 28 4 32
T.Y.B.A.(S-4) 32 28 4 32
T.Y.B.A.(G-3) 129 79 50 129
M.A.I 22 15 7 22
M.A.II 18 15 3 18
  1. The diversity of Students:
Name of the


% of students from the same state % of students from other States % of students From abroad
UG 100%
PG 100%
  1. Departmental Result:

UG Results

DIST. First Class Second  Class Pass Class Total Pass College University
2016-2017 09 09 03 03 06 03 66.66 52.00
2017-2018 23 14 01 02 03 02 08 06 57.14 50.03
2018-2019 16 16 00 03 04 00 07 09 43.75
2019-2020 15 14 02 02 03 02 09 05 64.28%

 PG Results

DIST. 1st Class Higher  2nd 2nd Class Pass Class Total Pass College University
2016-2017 14 13 13 13 Nil 100 51.00
2017-2018 15 13 02 08 01 11 02 86.61 20.33
2018-2019 13 12 07 05 00 00 00 12 Nil 100
2019-2020 16 14 04 10 00 00 00 14 Nil 100
  1. Ongoing /completed research projects by faculty funded by governmental and non-governmental agencies (Last five years)
Sr. No Name of the principal investigator Duration of the project Name of the research project Amount fund received Name of funding agency Year of sanction Dept. of recipient
1 Dr.Khilari S.P. 02 year Ahamednagar Lokal Bordacha Itihasik Aadhava 10000/- shrirampur 2017 History
  1. Research papers published in journals notified on UGC website (Last five years)

Title of the paper

Name of the author/s Name of the journals Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number
Shrirampur talukyachya vikasatil Mula-Pravara Vij sosayatiche Yogdan Dr.B.L. Badhe Golden Research Thoughts 2014 2231-5063
Shrirampur Talukyatil mahanubhav panthache kary Dr.B.L. Badhe Research Direction 2014          2321-5488
1857 che Maharashtratil Parv- Bhagoji Naik                           Dr.S.P. Khilari Golden Research Thoughts 2014  2231-5063
Chh. Shivaji maharaj aani portugij sambandh Dr.S.P. Khilari Indian Streams Research Journals 2016 2230-7850
Bharat Chhodo Andolan –Ahmednagarcha Sahbhag Dr.S.P. Khilari Vidyavarta 2018 2319=9318
  1. Research papers published in a journal other than notified by UGC:
S. N. Title Of The Paper Name Of Author Department Of The Teacher Name Of Journal Year Of Publication ISBN/ISSN No.
  1. Research papers published in National/International Conference:
Title of the paper Name of the faculty Title of the proceedings of the conference Name of the conference Nat./ Int. Year ISBN/ISSN No. of conference Affiliating institute at the time of publication
Contribution of Samajvadi Janrajya of Shrirampur Tahashil In Hyadrabad Liberation Movement Dr B.L. Badhe Colonial Ideology & Princely States

In India

Colonial Ideology & Princely States

In India

International 2015 2394-207X Abasaheb Garware College, Pune
Srirampur Talukyatil Shri. Chakradhar Swaminche kara Dr. B.L. Badhe Sant Mahatmyanchi Bhumi Sant Mahatmyanchi Bhumi International 2015 978-81-930150-8-7 Khuladabad College Aurangbad
छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज आणि पोर्तुगीज संबंध Dr. Khilari Sunil Prabhakarrao International 2016-17 2230-7850
प्राचीन पैठण नगरीचा एक ऐतिहासिक आढावा  Dr. Khilari Sunil Prabhakarrao International 2016-17 2278- 8158
भागवत संप्रदायातील अध्यात्मिक सुधारणेचा शोध Dr. Khilari Sunil Prabhakarrao International 2017-18 2278- 8158
अहमदनगर जिल्यातील स्वत्रंत्र चळवळीचा ऐतिहास  Dr. Khilari Sunil Prabhakarrao State Level 2018-19
१९ व्या आणि २० व्या शतकातील उदयास आलेल्या वंचित वादी इतिहास लेखन प्रवाहाचे महत्व Dr. Khilari Sunil Prabhakarrao National 2019-20 2394-3114
ब्रिटीश काळातील प्रसार माध्यमाची भूमिका  Dr. Khilari Sunil Prabhakarrao State Level 2019-20 3219-3918
१८५७च्या पहिल्या स्वतंत्र युद्धातील स्त्रियांचे महत्व Dr. Khilari Sunil Prabhakarrao International 2019-20 2279- 0489
भारतीय राजकारण स्त्रियांचा सहभाग  Dr. Khilari Sunil Prabhakarrao International 2019-20 2277- 5730
  1. A number of books and chapter in edited volumes/Books published:



    Title of the



    National/ International Year of publication ISBN/ISSN No. Name of the publisher
    2019-20 प्रारंभिक भारत: प्रागैतिहासिक काळ ते मौर्य काळ National 2019 ISBN:978-93-89066-27-2  Success Publication
    प्रारंभिक भारत: उत्तर मौर्यकाळ ते राष्ट्रकुट काळ National 2019 ISBN: 978-93-89529-52-4  Success Publication
    मराठा राजतंत्र National 2019 ISBN: 978-93-89529-20-3 Success Publication
    मराठाकालीन सामाजिक –आर्थिक इतिहास


    National 2019 ISBN: 978-9389739-43-5 Success Publication
    2020-21 महाराष्ट्राचा सांस्कृतिक इतिहास National 2020 ISBN: 978-93-87020-49-4 Success Publication

    मध्ययुगीन भारत –सुल्तानशाही कालखंड

    National 2020 ISBN: 978-93-87020-27-6 Success Publication
  1. Name of research guides :
Sr. No. Name of the research guide Ph. D/ M. Phil
1                          –             –



  1. Number of Ph. D/ M. Phil awarded by faculty:
Name of

Ph. D/M. Phil scholar

Name of the Guide/s Title of the  thesis Year of registration of scholar Year of awards of Ph. D/M.Phil
Mr. R.P. Pardhi


Dr. Manjulkar आंबेगाव तालुक्यातील आदिवासी ठाकर समाजाचे सामाजिक आणि सांस्कृतिक जीवन,समस्या आणि उपाय 2015 2017  (M.Phil)
  1. Faculty as chairman/members in National committees/International Committees/ Editorial Boards/BOS/University committees etc.
Sr. No. Name of faculty Name of the body in which full time teacher participated Member of editorial board Reviewer
  1. Student undertaking field projects/ internships:
Program name Year Class Wise No. of Students
  First Year Second Year Third Year
2015-16 10
2016-17 09
2017-18 19
  2018-19 Nil
  1. Awards / Recognitions received by faculty
Year of awards Name of full time teachers receiving awards from state level, National level, International level PAN Designation Name of the award, fellowship, received from government or recognized bodies
  1. Numbers of awards / Medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities in National/ International/ State level/ University etc. received by students
Year Name of the Student Name of the award/Medal National/International /State etc. Sports/Cultural


  1. Numbers of University Rank Holders and Toppers
Year Name of the Student Class University Rank


  1. Students Qualifying in State/National/International level examination (NET, SET, GATE, GMAT, GRE, TOEFL/UPSC/MPSC/State government examination, etc.)
Year Passing Month & Year Name of the student Registration No./Roll for the examination Number of students selected
SET NET GATE GMAT CAT RGE TOFEL Civil services State Govt. Examinations/Others
2012-13 June 2013 Sonawane G. S. 376629/19060936 1 1
2014-15 Oct. 2014 Shinde B. D. 376609/ 1
2015-16 Sep.2016 Khandizod H. B. 678403 1
2015-16 Sep. 2016 Petkar Y. H. 678473 1
2019-20 oct 2019 Smt. Lagad S.R. 794673 1
  1. Student progression to higher studies: UG to PG, PG to M. Phil., PG to Ph. D, M. Phil to Ph. D, Ph. D to post Doctoral, etc. (Last Batch, 2016-17)
  1. UG to PG (BA to MA/MSc)


Year Admitted Total Passed UG To PG Percentage
2013-2014 37 13 06 46.15
2014-2015 22 09 02 22.22
2015-2016 20 12 06 50.00
2016-2017 13 04 01 25.00
2017-2018 09 06 02 33.33
2018-2019 23 08 01 20.00
2019-20 19 07 04 57.14
2020-21 32 09 03 33.33
  1. PG to M. Phil / Ph.D.


Year Admitted Total Passed PG to M. Phil / Ph.D. Percentage
2019-20 16 14 01  (Ph.D.)


  1. Placement of outgoing students
    Year No of Students Placed
    2017-2018 04
    2018-2019 02
    2019-20 03
    2020-21 03
  1. List of alumni/contributions:
Sr. No. Name of Alumni Adhar No Year of Graduation/Post Graduation Position held Contact detail

(Email, Mobile No.)

Quantum of Contribution
1 Khilari Sunil Prabhakarrao 9405 4865 2148 1987- 88 Lecturer 9226767222 Donation
2 Smt.Lagad Surekha Ramdas 8486 9518 2015 2000 -01 Lecturer 9922851836 Member
3 Shinde Bhima Digmbar 2184 4239 7987 2006-07 Lecturer 9890815968 Member
4 Thakre Vijaykumar Balasaheb 9546 6097 4102 2006- 07 Post Off. 9860983755 Member
5 Petkar Yogesh Hiraman 8379 8271 2972 2006-07 Lecturer 9822810169 Member
6 Smt.Pahilwan Sunita Madhukarrao 2659 4435 7644 2015-16 Lecturer 9850900798 Member
7 Khandizod Harshal Bhimraj 8161 2921 6279 2005-06 Lecturer 8788692143 Member
8 Kokne Sachin Babasaheb 7376 7287 3064 2008-09 Lecturer 9209279846 Member
9 Bhosale Ashwini Nagnath 9278 2208 7224 2013-14 Teacher 9657870353 Member
10 Kapse Karnasaheb Bhausaheb 8994 9703 2150 2013-14 L.I.C.Ajent 9060458535 Member
11 Borde Shradha Ashokrao 9158 1071 6104 2008-09  Jr.Lecturer 7756928283 Member
12 Rashinkar Santosh Rambhau 4754 3203 7356 2015-16 Networking Market 9049807898 Member
13 Nale Pritam Sanjay 2775 4911 0887 2015-16                        Technical opp.Deary 7028578709 Member
14 Bhange Amol Lakshman 3872 1828 1021 2015-16 Hotel ing 9762689996 Member
15 Kadam Nitin Babasaheb 7728 6392 1767 2002 03 Jr.Lecturer 7744011777 Member
16 Gahire Kiran Kacharu 4797 5080 4872 2015-16 H.D.F.C.Bank S.O. 9834215316 Member
  1. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding


Sr.N. Name of the Seminar/Conference Sponsoring Agency Date No of Participants
1 State Level Seminar on

Foreign Policy of Chh.Shivaji Maharaj

University of Pune, Pune 6th Jan.2012 83
2 State Level Seminar on

Chh.Shivaji´s Religious Policy

University of Pune, Pune 13th Jan. 2015 74
  1. Number of linkages for faculty exchange/student exchange/training/ internship/ field trips /job on training/research etc.
Sl. No. Title of the linkage Name of the partnering institution/ industry /research lab with contact details Year of commencement Duration (From-To) Nature of linkage
4 Village Survey Undirgaon






2015-17 2015-17 Annual Data Collection


  1. Number of functional MoU’s with corporate houses/ industries/other institutes/ Universities, etc. – Nil
  2. Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar, etc.) with external experts


Sr. No. Enrichment programmes Duration Experts
1. Guest Lecture on Carrier  Opportunities in History 14th September 2016 ·         Prof  Dr. Bhamre.K.H.-K.T.H.M.College Nashik.


2. Chh.Shivaji & his Administration 28th September 2017 ·         Dr.Mokate Nathabau – New Arts ,Com. College, Ghodegoan .


  1. Innovative Student Centric Teaching-Learning methods:
  • ICT assisted teaching learning
  • Project
  • Seminar
  • Questioning
  • Field Work
  • Village Survey
  • Discussion
  • Excursion etc.
  • SWAYAM-NPTEL Online Courses
  1. Activities for Slow and Advanced Learners:
  • Seminar
  • Unit Test and Tutorial
  • Special Guidance
  • Extra Lectures
  • Group Discussion
  • Question Paper Solving
  • Projects


  1. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities

Village Survey

Year Village-1 Village-2
2015-16  Undirgaon     Naur
2016-17 Umbargaon Taklibhan
2017-18 Bolthan Shrirampur

The celebration of Various Days:-

  • 19th February: Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti
  • 11th July: Population Day
  • 5th September: Teacher’s Day
  • 2th October: Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti
  • 22nd September: Karmaveer Jayanti
  1. Best Practices of Department:

Best Practice-I           : Chh.Shiwaji Maharaj Jayanti

Best Practice-II: Visit to Historical place – Daymabad

  1. Details of Infrastructural facilities
  1. Library:

No of Books in Departmental Library: 104

  1. Internet Facility:

1 PC’s of the Department have Broadband Internet Facility.


  1. Class Rooms with ICT facility:

Following ICT facilities are available in 01 classrooms.

Items Quantity
1.Interactive Smart Board 1
2.Computer 1
3.Printer 1
4.Internet Connection 1


  1. Laboratories:
Room Type Area
Head Compartment 176.81sq.ft.
Class Room 1192.5sq.ft.
  1. List of Equipments/Instrument- Nil
  2. SWOC analysis of the department


  • Since the establishment, the results are always greater than the university results.
  • Well infrastructure
  • Numismatics  (Study  of Coins )
  • Completed minor research projects
  • Departmental Library
  • Carrier Orientation Course-Travel and Tourism
  • Post-Graduate Department



  • Number of students in FYBA division is a challenge.
  • Non Grantable PG Department
  • Insufficient time for field visits and extension activities


  • Phil and Ph.D. Programs
  • Research in Archeology


  • Competition from Professional Courses
  • Competition From Surrounding  PG Centers
  • A large number of academically strong students move away from pure Arts College
  1. Future Plans :


  • To develop NET/SLET guidance center for the PG students of the History Department.
  • To organize National and International Seminars/Conference on burning issues on Indian history and world History.
  • To start short term course on Modi Script writing .
  • To organize students visits to assembly of Maharashtra state.
  • To promote research culture among the Students and Faculty of the Department.