- Scope and importance of the departments:
Education is reckoned as the core subject to all the teaching subjects. It deals with the study of teaching-learning process which is the central of every subject .It focus on the learner along with the teacher. It provides the methodology to all subjects about teaching-learning for the effective and efficient outcome. In our college, the education as a subject is taught at general level at all the three years to the undergraduates. This provides an opportunity for the students to get acquainted with the concept, nature, scope and importance of education, its philosophical, sociological and psychological foundations, new trends in education.
- Introduction of department:
The positive link between education and development has been accepted and established. Hence, there is a need to understand various facets of education. To fulfill this need the college has established the department of education in the year 1960. Since then, education is taught at general level from the first year to the third year of the undergraduate level.
Strength of the students offering education is continuously increasing. The percentage of students successfully passing at the university examination is always above 95% i.e. well above University results. The departmental recently organized one University level Seminar on “ New Trends in Higher Education’ in March 2012.
- Year of Establishment: 1960
- Detail of Programmes / Courses offered (UG, PG, M. Phil., Ph.D., Integrated Masters; Integrated Ph.D., Short term courses, Career oriented courses, etc. (Current academic year)
Sr. No | Programme level | Name of the programme/ Course | Duration | Entry qualification | Medium of Instruction | Sanctioned/ Approved student strength | No. of Student admitted |
1 | UG | BA | 3 Years | 12th Pass | Marathi | 120 | 127 |
- Annual/ semester/choice based credit system/elective course pattern (programme wise)
Programme | Pattern | Year of Implementation |
BA | 20:80 | 2013 |
- Number of Teaching and Non-teaching positions in the department
Designation | Sanctioned | Filled |
Professors | —— | —— |
Associate Professors | ——- | ——- |
Asst. Professors | 01 | 01 |
- Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (Ph.D. / M. Phil. etc.,)
Sr. No. |
Name of faculty |
Qualification |
Year of appointment
Designation |
Specialization |
Number of years of teaching experience (Year and months) |
1 | Shri. S. D. Patil | M.A., M.Ed., NET, SET
2009 | Assistant Professor | Teacher Education | 5 | |
2 | Dr. B. S. Awaghade | M.A., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET | 1994 | Assistant Professor | Teacher Education | 22 | |
3 | Shri. A. S. Gagare | M.A., M.Ed., NET, SET
2010 | Assistant Professor | Education Technology | 4 | |
4 | Shri. A. S. Mahure | M.A., M.Ed., SET
2009 | Assistant Professor | Teacher education | 8 | 9 |
- List of senior visiting faculty
- Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled
Post | Sanctioned | Filled |
— | — | — |
- Ongoing /completed research projects by faculty funded by governmental and non-governmental agencies (Last five years)
Sr. No | Name of the principal investigator | Duration of the project | Name of the research project | Amount fund received | Name of funding agency | Year of sanction | Dept. of recipient |
1 | Nil |
- Research papers published in journals notified on UGC website (Last five years)
Sr. No. | Name of Journal | Title of Research Paper | ISSN/ ISBN No. | Whether peer reviewed. Impact Factor, if any |
1 | Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies | Anusuchit Jamatichya Vidyarthyasathi Shikshanvishyak Tartudi | ISSN:2319-4766 | Impact Factor-6.11 |
2 | Indian Streams Research Journals | Adhyayan Adhyapanat Sangnakachi Bhumika | ISSN :- 2230-7850 | Impact Factor-1.7604 |
3 |
Research Front
Adhyapanasathichya Sanganak Prashikshan Upkramachya Parinamkarktecha Abhyas | ISSN: 2330-8341 | peer reviewed |
4 | Research Front | Balkanchya hakkasathiche Palak Shikshan | ISSN: 2330-8341 | peer reviewed |
5 | Research Front | Shaley Vidyarthyasathi Satyshodh Pariksha : Ek Navopkram | ISSN: 2330-8341 | peer reviewed |
6 | Golden Research Thoughts | Shaley Aantarvasitechya Upkramchya Yshswitesathi Whatsup Cha Upyog Ek Upkram | ISSN: 2231-5063 | Impact Factor-4.6052 |
7 | Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal | शालेय आंतरवासितेचा तुलनात्मक अभ्यास | ISSN:2349-638X | Impact Factor-3.025 |
- Research papers published in National/International Conference-proceedings
Sr. No. | Name of the Conference Seminar | Title of Research Paper | ISSN/ ISBN | Place & Date |
1 | Innovation In Teaching-Learning & Evaluation | Dekhita Akshrancha Melava | ISBN-978-93-8154-094 | College of education, Barshi.,24,25th Sept.2011 |
2 | Innovative Practices in Teacher Education Programme | Shikshk Prashikshanachi Aawshykta |
— |
Smt. P.S. College of Education, Sangli15,16th Oct.2011 |
3 | Advanced Techniques of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education | Need of Virtual Classroom In Higher Education |
—- |
6th Jan.,2012 |
4 | Quality Teacher Education in Modern Era | Chatradhyapkanchya Samajik swasthya sanwardhanatil Shikshk Prashikshkanchi Bhumika | ISBN: 978-93-83993-84-0 | Kamalapur 8,9th Feb., 2014 |
5 | New Age-e-learning for Indian Higher education | E-Learning Kalachi Garaj | ISBN:978-81-932117-0-0 | R.B.N.B. College, Shrirampur 14th Oct.2015 |
- Number of books and chapter in edited volumes/Books published
Title of the book/chapter published | National/ International | Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN No. | Name of the publisher |
NA |
- Name of research guides
Sr. No. | Name of research guide | Ph. D/ M. Phil |
1 | Nil | Nil |
- Number of Ph. D/ M. Phil awarded by faculty
Name of
Ph. D/M. Phil scholar |
Name of the Guide/s | Title of the thesis | Year of registration of scholar | Year of awards of Ph. D/ M. Phil. |
Nil |
- Faculty as chairman/members in National committees/International Committees/ Editorial
Boards/BOS/University committees etc.
Sr. No. | Name of faculty | Name of the body in which full time teacher participated
Member of editorial board | Reviewer |
NA |
- Student undertaking field projects/ internships
- a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter
departmental / Programme
Program name | Program code | Year | No. student undertaking field projects/Internships |
NA |
- b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e.in Research laboratories/Industry/society other agencies
Program name | Program code | Year | No. student undertaking field projects/Internships |
NA |
- Awards / Recognitions received by faculty
Year of awards | Name of full time teachers receiving awards from state level, National level, International level | PAN | Designation | Name of the award, fellowship, received from government or recognized bodies |
Nil |
- Numbers of awards / Medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities in National/ International/ State level etc. received by students
Year | Name of the award/Medal | National/International/State etc. | Sports/Cultural | Aadhar/Student ID No. | Name of the Student |
Nil |
- Students Qualifying in State/National/International level examination (NET, SET, GATE, GMAT, GRE, TOEFL/UPSC/MPSC/State government examination, etc.)
Year | Registration No./Roll for the examination | Number of students selected
SET | NET | GATE | GMAT | CAT | RGE | TOFEL | Civil services | State Govt. Examinations/Others | ||
Nil |
- Student progression to higher studies. UG to PG, PG to M. Phil., PG to Ph. D, M. Phil to Ph. D, Ph. D to post Doctoral, etc. (Last Batch, 2016-17)
- UG to PG
Sr. No. | Program Graduated From | Department Graduated from | Student Name | Name of the Institute Joined | Name of the Program admitted |
- PG to M. Phil
Sr. No. | Program Graduated From | Department Graduated from | Student Name | Name of the Institute Joined | Name of the Program admitted |
Nil |
- PG to Ph. D or M. Phil to Ph. D.
Sr. No. | Program Graduated From | Department Graduated from | Student Name | Name of the Institute Joined | Name of the Program admitted |
Nil |
- Placement of outgoing students (Last five years, 2012-2017)
Year | Contact detail | Number of students placed | Name of the employer with contact details | Package received | Program graduated from |
- List of alumni/contribution
Sr. No. | Name of Alumni | Year of Graduation/Post Graduation | Position held | Contact detail
(Email, Mobile No.) |
Quantum of Contribution |
- List of eminent academicians and scientists / visitors to the department
- Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding
Sr. No. | Level
National/ International/ State |
Name of the workshop/Seminar | Funding agency | Amount sanctioned | Durations
(From-To) |
Number of participants |
1 | State level | New Age e-learning for Indian Higher Education | UGC | 55000 | 9th March 2 | 56 |
- Student profile programme/course wise:
Name of the
Course/programme (refer question no. 4) |
Applications received | Enrolled | Total number of Students | |
*M | *F | ||||
2012-13 | B.A. | 205 | 115 | 90 | 205 |
2013-14 | B.A. | 257 | 145 | 112 | 257 |
2014-15 | B.A. | 218 | 121 | 97 | 218 |
2015-16 | B.A. | 155 | 83 | 72 | 155 |
2016-17 | B.A. | 163 | 93 | 70 | 163 |
2017-18 | B.A. | 172 | 90 | 82 | 172 |
*M = Male *F = Female
- Diversity of Students
% of | % of students | % of | |
Name of the | students | from other | students |
Course | from the | States | From |
same state | abroad | ||
Nil |
- Departmental result
Code |
Name |
Number of students appeared in the final year examination | Number of students passed in final year examination |
2012-13 | BA. | General Education-III | 46 | 46 |
2013-14 | BA. | General Education-III | 54 | 54 |
2014-15 | BA. | General Education-III | 49 | 48 |
2015-16 | BA. | General Education-III | 42 | 42 |
2016-17 | BA. | General Education-III | 26 | 24 |
- Number of linkages for faculty exchange/student exchange/training/internship/field trips/job on training/research etc.
Sr. No. | Title of the linkage | Name of the partnering institution/ industry /research lab with contact details | Year of commencement | Duration (From-To) | Nature of linkage |
Nil |
- Number of functional MoU’s with corporate houses/ industries/other institutes/Universities, etc.
Organisation with which MoU is signed | Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house | Year of signing MoU | Duration | List the actual activities under each MoU year wise | Number of students/teachers participated under MoUs |
Nil |
- Details of Infrastructural facilities
- a) Library
Sr. No. | Name of Books | Publisher | Number of copies |
Nil |
- b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students- 2 mbps net facilities is available
- c) Class rooms with ICT facility
- d) Laboratories
Sr. No. | Facility | Detail | Area |
Nil |
- e) List of Equipments/Instruments
- Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies-
- Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts
Sr. No. | Enrichment programmes | Experts |
- Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning-
- PowerPoint presentation
- Some lessons are taught outside of the classroom (Vachan Katta)
- Use of Video Clips
- Project Work
- Video Conferencing Lecture
- Organized Workshop
- Online NPTEL courses
- Online NPTEL/UGC-SWAYAM lectures
- Students seminars
- Field projects/Survey
- Review of research papers (Avishkar)
- Use of Adobe Acrobat reader
- Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities
- a) IQAC Member
- b) Campus Supervision Committee Member
- c) Chairman of Competitive Exam Center
- SWOC analysis of the department
- Future plans: