- Name of the Department: Psychology
- Year of
Establishment : B.A . General Level-June : 1960
: B.A. Special Level- June : 2013
: M.A. in Psychology-July : 2016
(M.A. in Clinical Psychology, M.A. in Counseling Psychology)
- Mission, Aims, objectives of the department:
- Mission of the Department
‘Provide Relevant, Up-to-date, and Career-Oriented Knowledge and Skill Based Education in Psychology’
- Aims and Objectives of the Department
- To overall development of the students thought subject knowledge.
- Betterment of society through the science of Psychology
- Psychology for teaching, research and service as a scientific discipline
- Promotion of intellectual excellence.
- Encouragement for balance between the theoretical and practical aspects of Psychology
- To help students to acquire the knowledge about the causes, symptoms and
Treatments of various types of psychological disorders
- To familiarize the students with modern ways of effective adjustment.
- To help the students to understand human development process and influences of various factors on human development.
- To help students to understand the relationship between theoretical and applied aspects of Psychology.