  1. Dr. A.K.Mohite
Sr. No. Title of the paper Name of journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN No.
 1. Studies on Biochemical composition of Some Green Algae from Coast of Maharashtra. Flora and Fauna 2013-        2014 ISSN-0971-6920.
     2. Efficacy of Plant Extracts For management of Cimex lectularius (Bed Bug). Int. J. Pure App. Biosci.  2014-  2015 ISSN: 2320 – 7051
     3.  Antimicrobial activity of Seaweeds from Coast of Maharashtra. International Journal of Recent Trends in  Science and Technology 2015-  2016 2277-2812, EISSN: 2249-8109

Screening of Some Mass Cultured Cyanophycean Algae For Their Biochemical Composition.

Int. J. of Researchers in Biosciences, Agri. and Technology 2015-   2016 e-ISSN-2347-517X.
5. Effect of Sodium Chloride on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Some Fruit Vegetables Advances in Bioresearch Vol 8 (4) July: 132-139 2017  2277-1573
6. Cytological effect of soft drink and pesticide on root tip of Allium cepa. Flora and Fauna vol.23 .(1):224-228 2017 0971-6920
7. Cytological effect of soft drink and pesticide on root tip of Allium sativum Flora and Fauna vol.23 .(2):381-387 2017 0971-6920
8. Aeromycoflora of RBNB College campus,shrirampur,Dist.A.nagar,


International journal of researches in Biosciences,Agriculture and technology vol.VI(2) 270-272 2018 2347-517X

2.Dr. B. D. Varpe

Sr. No. Title of the paper Name of journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN No.
   1.  Nostocales from Paddy fields of Akole tahsil, Ahmednagar District (M.S.)  Advances in plant sciences.




To study post-harvest fungal Disease in fruits from Shrirampur Market.

 Jr.of Flora And fauna.



ISSN 0971-6920



 Effect of Cyanophyceae Biofertilizer supplement on Growth and yield of Rice(Oryza sativa) variety Punam  Jr.of Flora And fauna.



ISSN 0971-6920



 Studies on effect of  Cyanophyceae biofertilizer  supplement on nitrogen percentage of Paddy (Oryza sativa) variety Indrayani

International  journal of recent trends in Science and technology pp-23-24


ISSN 2277-2812E-SSN-2249-8109

3. Dr.K.W.Pawar

Sr. No. Title of the paper Name of journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN No.

Assessment of fluoride content in bore well water and its environmental impacts in Akola city

International J. of Advanced Biotechnology & Research.



Studies on Physico- Chemical aspects of Mhaswad water reservoir of Satara District (Maharashtra) India.


ISSN 2231-4490


Cultural, physiological variations and fungicidal sensitivity between Sclerotium rolfsii sacc. And Macrophomina phaseolina (tassi) goid.


ISSN 0251-1223


To study post-harvest fungal Disease in fruits from  Shrirampur Market.

 Jr.of Flora And fauna.



ISSN 0971-6920

4. Dr. V.P. Patil

Sr. No. Title of the paper Name of journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN No.
   1. Varietal response of Wheat Azospirillum SPP.  Advances in plant sciences.   2012-13 ISSN0970-3586
   2. Effect of Azospirillum SPP. Formulations on wheat growth with reference to height , tillers and leaves no. (Triticum aestivum L.)  Advances in plant sciences.   2013-14 ISSN0970-3586
   3. Effect of Azospirillum SPP. Formulations on wheat growth with reference root length and leaf area.  Advances in plant sciences.   2013-14 ISSN0970-3586
   4. Effect of Azospirillum SPP. Formulations on wheat productivity (Triticum aestivum L.)  Advances in plant sciences.   2013-14 ISSN0970-3586

5. Dr. K.M. Bhise

Sr. No. Title of the paper Name of journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN No.

New records of Hypoxylon species from India



ISSN 2227-5053


Massarina multiseptata spp. A new lignicolous ascomycetes from Mahrashtra state. India



ISSN 2227-5053


Notes on some lignicolous ascomycetes from Ahmednagar district (MS)India



ISSN 0973-1431

6. Miss. R. M. Shingare

Sr. No.              Title of the paper Name of journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN No.

Effect of sodium chloride on seed germination and seedling growth of some fruit vegetables

Advance in Bioresearch


ISSN 2277-1573 Print ISSN 0976-4585


Effect of Sodium Chloride on Seed germination and seedling growth of some fruit vegetables.

Advances in Bioresearch


ISSN 2277-1573

7. Miss. P. D. Lokare

Sr. No. Title of the paper Name of journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN No.

Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Aspergillus niger

An International Journal of Biological Research


ISSN 0971-6920

8. Dr. R. R. Sanap

Sr. No. Title of the paper Name of journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN No.
1 “Traditional Medicinal plants used by indigenous people of Patoda Taluka of Beed District”(2016) Peer Reviewed and refereed,International Journal Scholars World 2016 ISSN:2319-5789
2 Innovative teaching and Learning: Advantages and Challenges. (2016)


.” Proceeding of NAAC sponsored National Level Seminar on Innovative strategies in Teaching learning Process. 2016 2016  ISBN :



3 Challenges in Indian Higher education” (2016)


Proceeding of NAAC sponsored National Level Seminar on Innovative strategies in Teaching learning Process. 2016 ISBN :



4 Taxonomic characterization of Nostoc species isolated from agropractices areas of Kopargaon tahsil. (2017) Peer Reviewed  and refereed International Journal Flora and fauna 2017 0971-6920
5 “Chlorococcalean Biodiversity of Reverine Ecosystem with special reference to the Pollution Status.” ( 2018) Peer reviewed and refereed,International Research Journal of  Science and Engineering. 2018 ISSN:




6 “Studies on Biochemical

Composition ofLyngbya

martensianaMeneghin ex Gomont from Kopargaon region, Dist.Ahmednagar, M.S.)  India. (2018)


 Peer Reviewed  and refereed International Journal, Advances in Plant  Sciences

.Sr. No.11939

2018 ISSN:


  “Seasonal variations of Euglenophyceae, Charophyceae and Dinophyceaen   algae of river Godavari with reference to pollution status”(2018)  Peer Reviewed  and refereed International Journal, Advances in Plant  Sciences.

Sr. No.11939

2018 ISSN:


7 “Diversity and Density of Scenedesmus of Ramkund at Panchwati Dist. Nashik (M.S.) India.” (2018) Peer Reviewed and refereed International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2018 ISSN: 2349-5138.
8 “Nostocales From Godavari river at Nashik, (M.S.), India.”(2018) Peer Reviewed and refereed, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. 2018 ISSN:




9 “Estimation of Major and Minorelements from fresh water algaLyngbyamartensianaMeneghini

ex Gomont.” (2019)

Peer Reviewed  and refereed International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2019 ISSN:


10 “Studies on the occurrence of phytoplankton near the confluence of Gardi nallah and Godavari River at Kopargaon Dist. Ahmednagar. 2020 Peer Reviewed and refereed, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology” Issue 3 2020 ISSN:


Mr. H.T.Mate

Sr.No. Title  of the paper Name of  Journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN No.
1 Application of VAM Fungi to increase groundnut(Arachis hypogea L.) production. International Research Journal of Sci. and Engineering ISSN-2322-0015 SJIF-4.13


2 Effect of VAM Inoculation on Enhancement of Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea Linn.) var. TAG – 24 IJRAR – International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews ISSN – 2349-5138

E- ISSN – 2348-1269

4.236 International
3 Survey of Flowering Plants from MokhadaTaluka: A Preliminary Report IJRAR – International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews ISSN – 2349-5138

E- ISSN – 2348-1269

4.236 International